This is from my friend Daniel Victor of Neverending White Lights blog, If you haven't heard them now is your chance :)
I need your help and votes. Here is the link! you haven't already, please click the link above and vote for Neverending White Lights. I'm nominated for Best Artist at the XM Satellite Radio Awards.
I'm asking you to send the link to at least 5 of your friends.
The beauty of this particular nomination is that it could drastically help fund the recording of Act 3 if we were to win it, since there is a prize. That's why I'm asking you as my friends and fans pass this link to as many people as you can. Email all your buddies, facebook peeps, msn addicts, etc. Drop the link and it will only take a second to click and vote. Remember, NWL is still indie, and still under my own 'wings' to make it fly. Soar rather. Everything helps. And you've all been by my side for two albums now. Time for the next page...
Which brings me to mention the obvious, yes Act 3 is in the works. Can you believe it?We've had a great year, and as it draws closer to Fall we realize Act 2 will near its one-year mark. In order to deliver you the next installment, I'll have to get everything out in the upcoming months and process it all. That means my days are now just blurs of writing and recording ideas which will eventually explode into a masterpiece. More on that later...
And, I also have a few secrets to reveal about what I want to do with the next album, but I'm going to save that for later also.
In the meantime, vote vote vote!
Oh, and gift exchange news coming in the next blog. I'm going to assume you all still love me even though it's summer. But I'll get you up to speed on what I've decided to do on that shortly. It will be worth the wait.
"halo over my head emoticon smiley" ; )
This is me :)